Monday is the deadline for filing your taxes! Give us a call if you need help finishing up. Also don’t forget you can file an extension as well.
We’re here to help!
Monday is the deadline for filing your taxes! Give us a call if you need help finishing up. Also don’t forget you can file an extension as well.
We’re here to help!
Did you know that this year, Taxpayers have until Monday, April 18th, to file their 2010 taxes?
If you’re expecting a refund, you can never file too early. EJK has over 15 years experience optimizing and filing individual returns and is here to help.
For all of you last-minute filers, don’t wait too long…
Contact us today to learn more about individual tax preparation and filing services and you’ll be one step closer to the end of tax season.
In service, EJK Tax Team