Category Archives: Non Profits

09.21 2010

Annual Washington Conservation Voters (WCV) Breakfast Coming Soon: October 7th

Washington Conservation Voters’ 18th Annual Breakfast of Champions is coming up on Thursday, October 7th, 2010. This is a wonderful opportunity to hear about important environmental priorities for Washington state, as well as learn about candidates who support the environment. Check out for more information.

09.07 2010

Walk to School with Feet First’s Safe Routes to School Program

Feet FirstWith fall here and school starting, parents and students once again begin the daily commute to and from school, more likely than not, in cars. According to research cited by Seattle-based non-profit and EJK client, Feet First, up to 25 percent of morning commuter traffic results from parents driving their children to school. That’s a lot of traffic!

Feet First, a 501(c3) organization focused on promoting walkable communities in the Puget Sound region and across Washington State, aims to change this by encouraging more students to walk and ride bikes—rather than ride in cars—to school. The benefits are clear—exercise, fewer cars on the road, safer streets, reduced carbon emissions and closer communities.

Among other initiatives, Feet First promotes Safe Routes to School (SRTS), including a pedestrian safety class, a walking audit and more. You can learn more about Feet First’s SRTS program and how to participate here.

In the spirit of Feet First’s mission and walkable communities, this fall, EJK’s staff has committed to walking, bicycle commuting or taking public transportation to work at least one day a week.

See you on the sidewalk!

EJK Staff