What is Unemployment Compensation?
Unemployment compensation is a temporary income paid by the state to unemployed workers who have lost their jobs due to layoffs or retrenchment.
- In Washington state, the maximum weekly benefit amount is $844. The minimum is $201.
How to apply for it?
The fastest way to apply Unemployment is online. Because of COVID-19, applying by phone has very long wait times. The Employment Security Department provides a helpful checklist for the application of Unemployment Compensation. It will tell you your eligibility and documents needed to apply.
For more information, visit the Employment Security Department website and review their checklist.
How to report and pay taxes?
If you received unemployment compensation during the year, you will need to report it on your tax return in gross income.
You may be may be required to make quarterly estimated tax payments, or Can choose to have federal income tax withheld from your unemployment compensation. Refer to Form W-4V, Voluntary Withholding Request and Tax Withholding.